St. Arbor

About Us

St. Arbor CDC

We’re driven by a mission to enhance opportunities for healthy, nutritious food resources, community engagement events and to ignite hope in Denton and Collin Counties’ poorest residents. By investing in improving the lives of our neighbors, we are all richer by developing in lasting relationships, compassion and tolerance. 

Serving the Community

We serve the communities of Collin and Denton counties in three key areas:

St. Arbor Community Garden

Encompassing over 1.5 acres our start-up organic, community garden project is a collaborative effort with the Texas A&M AgriLife program through the Denton County Master Gardner Association, the Little Elm ISD Horticulture Program and the Little Elm Rotary.

We will grow organic fruits and vegetables, offer nutritional classes to focus on canning and preserving fruits and vegetables, so that they don’t perish as quickly in a produce bin once refrigerated.

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Message from the President

No one joins an organization because they are looking for something else to do. As a matter of fact, when I got the call back in 2019 and was asked to join this board, I turned the opportunity down. My plate was already full, and I didn’t think I could handle anything else. However, sometimes, you pick the project and at other times, the project picks you. So, here I am, learning about soil and plants and getting out of my comfort zone…again, but I believe in our mission to enhance the quality of life in our communities; fulfill their unmet needs and establish an environment where everyone feels loved, valued and has the resources they need to thrive.

From our humble beginnings we have been able to do so much in such a short period of time. We have been able to donate thousands of pounds of food to organizations in our community who help us in the trenches with making sure that no one misses a meal. We have volunteers from so many different organizations and every week, someone new finds out about our efforts and requests to join us.

I’ve volunteered countless hours in the ruthless heat of the summer and the frigid cold in the winter, and yes, some of our volunteers have even been rained on and stung by bees and almost eaten alive by ants. I have toiled in the soil, and it has been back breaking work. But I am not complaining because I have enjoyed every minute of it. But you see it is more than just playing in the soil and watching things grow. Oh no, because in the garden we are solving problems, offering suggestions and opinions about everything (and sometimes even when you don’t ask), comforting those that have lost, encouraging those that need a little nudge to keep moving forward; praying for and with each other and cheering on the accomplishments of others. It is so much more than planting and harvesting. We have become a family and we are building community.

We have bold vision and mission ahead of us. I am eternally grateful to be a part of helping those plans come to fruition.

I’ll see you in the garden!


Farmer’s Market

Offers residents the opportunity to purchase at low or no cost, fresh produce and learn at home gardening tips for container gardening. We know that our current economic situation will not be resolved overnight and while we hope for a better tomorrow, we are doing something to give that hope a boost.

We’re committed to growing organic, healthy produce and fruit while inspiring a “spirit of hope and community” in everyone around us.

Some very sobering facts have compelled us to act! There are startling Health and Nutrition Statistics that illustrate just how great the need actually is:

  • Adult diabetes rate
  • Denton County is 8.5% compared to 8.9%-Texas
  • Adult obesity rate
  • Denton County-28.4% and 26.6%-Texas
  • Low-income preschool obesity rate
  • Denton County-13.8% and 15.7% Texas

Special Event Center

The Torii and Katrina Hunter Special Event Center – Helping Communities of Denton and Collin County, Changing Lives.

This nearly 8,000 SqFt community facility will be available for weddings, corporate events, family gatherings and private celebrations. Educational and professional development seminars, workshops, ad life skills training will focus on building resources within Denton and Collin Counties for area residents.

College Readiness, STEM Programs and tutoring will strengthen higher education and employment options for our youth.